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N. Virginia Community College Chapter Member Named As Finalist In NSLS Diversity Challenge

Turkish-born Nurcan Cetinbas is among the 20 students named as a finalist in the 'United by Purpose' scholarship challenge launched by The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS).

Having experienced life in Turkey as a Kurdish woman, Cetinbas–a Marymount University student, is passionate about the challenge's purpose of addressing prejudice and promoting equality. In a recent interview with ABC7 WJLA Cetinbas shared: 

"So, as a Kurdish woman, I had faced many kinds of prejudice and observed first-hand the oppressions," she said.

Cetinbas, a member of the NSLS chapter at Northern Virginia Community College, has written papers about racial justice in the past. She’s no stranger to the subject matter. Now, as a scholarship finalist, her next step is a video submission for which her project could earn an award between $2,000 to $10,000. These awards are among the more than $350,000 we award in scholarships each year.

In her commitment to inclusion and diversity, Cetinbas's mission is to unite people. As she further explained to ABC7 WJLA,

 "It's like really basic things: to hear each other, to heal each other, and try to support each other no matter what the problem.''

Click here to read the full story.

Photo Credit: WJLA