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What to Expect as an NSLS Member: Accredited Leadership Courses, Renowned Speakers, Professional Development, and Beyond

With the cut-throat workforce landscape, students nationwide are looking for opportunities to get ahead of the competition. Leadership honor societies are a great way to achieve this but not all are created equal.

How can the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) help? What kind of courses and experiences will you get as an NSLS member? Read on to find out how we can help you hit the ground running and gain a competitive advantage.

A Leadership Program Designed with Your Success in Mind

Our curriculum is built upon a solid educational foundation that focuses on experiential learning, inclusivity, reflection, and community. We seek to create an environment that facilitates connection, learning, and growth. Because of our educational approach, leadership development with us takes many forms. 

Speaker Broadcasts with Global Leaders

Our Speaker Broadcasts are a highly coveted benefit of our honor society. We typically host at least six per year where students can hear directly from top leaders and ask them questions in order to gain insight into their success.

In the past, we’ve hosted:

  • Former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton
  • Activists Dr. Bernice King, Anita Hill, and Tanya Acker
  • Celebrities Matthew McConaughey, Jamie Foxx, and Gabrielle Union
  • Entrepreneurs Mark Cuban, Sheryl Sandberg, and Bill Gates
  • Sports legends Deion Sanders, Lindsey Vonn, and Terry Crews

Exclusive Networking Events

Networking is a critical part of leadership development, so we’ve made it a priority as part of our induction process. To become an inducted member, you must complete the Steps to Induction, which include orientation, interactive training, and collaboration opportunities. During this short process, you’ll be put into small groups called Success Networking Teams (SNTs).

SNTs help you build relationships and establish a sense of accountability. Those who are new to the NSLS will benefit from learning from their group leaders as they go through the Steps to Induction. Inducted members can receive hands-on leadership experience by facilitating an SNT of their own and mentoring the next class of members.

In addition to SNTs, your local chapter may host networking events like volunteering at non-profits and other community events that extend beyond your campus.

Scholarship and Award Opportunities

We award over $400,000 per year in scholarships to our members. We seek to eliminate any financial barriers and challenges so that you can fully pursue your dreams without fear of financial setbacks. To be considered for a scholarship, grant, or award, you must be an NSLS member and meet the requirements for each specific scholarship.

Leadership Development Courses and Programs

We offer three main courses as part of our program. The first and only required course is Foundations of Leadership (FOL). As an inducted member, you’ll gain access to our accredited leadership development program and all its perks. Because of this accreditation, our program is recognized by employers and may even be eligible for credit reciprocity.

Once you complete induction, you can continue to participate in events, SNTs, and be a part of your chapter’s Executive Board. You can also take two additional leadership development courses to dive deeper into what you’ve learned in FOL.

  1. Advanced Leadership Certification: This course gives members access to more speaker broadcasts, community service opportunities, additional SNTs, and different ways to apply the leadership skills you’ve learned so far. 
  2. Executive Leadership Certification: This course expands even further upon the knowledge you’ve already gained and offers additional online learning modules and access to A Better World Project, where members can set up and facilitate their own community service project.

While these aren’t required, completing them will help you get the most out of our program.

Leadership Summits

Our Leadership Summits help you get the most out of our program. These are highly anticipated two-day events that occur in person or online. The summits provide an opportunity for both member and non-member students, advisors, and the general public to come together nationwide. 

At an NSLS leadership summit, you can expect:

  • Expert panel discussions
  • Presentations from keynote speakers
  • Informative sessions where you’ll learn about leadership skills, goal-setting, motivation techniques, and more
  • Open networking sessions for you to build a strong, national network
  • Opportunity to win exclusive scholarships and prizes

Members can network with sponsors and learn about the perks they offer. Our summits are especially beneficial for Executive Board members. If you’re on your chapter’s board, you’ll have the opportunity to network with E-Boards from other chapters to see what’s working and what’s not.

Non-members can also attend a summit to immerse themselves in the NSLS world and experience our program’s benefits firsthand.

Internship Program

If your university doesn’t have a chapter, you can apply for our internship program. This paid internship is a great way for students to get hands-on experience and work closely with our team to learn what goes into starting and running a chapter. As an intern, you’ll learn skills like:

  • Goal-setting
  • Pacing and scheduling
  • Marketing
  • Networking
  • Delegation
  • Recruitment
  • Event planning

If your school has an existing chapter, becoming a member can help you gain the skills necessary to get an internship at another organization. Plus, our members gain access to our exclusive online job board, where you can search and apply for internships and jobs.

Why Should You Join the NSLS?

While the benefits of joining a leadership honor society are significant, you want to make sure you choose the right one to ensure you get the most out of your membership. As the only accredited leadership honor society in the nation, the NSLS is designed to help you get the competitive edge you need.

Our program gives students an opportunity to learn important soft skills that aren’t typically taught in a classroom and build a strong, success-oriented network that will follow them long after graduation.

Learn more about what our membership experience looks like and how it can benefit you not only now, but into the future.